Quidco Refferal Link

I love Quidco

Tuesday 12 February 2013


I aye stupid and I aye fick
Arm sick on bein' told are'll never mount to shit.
The egducashun ere as med me fale a prick
And arm so broke even a builda cor fix me wiv a brick.

I ate the way tha coz ov ow I tork
Paple same ta fink I shouldn b allowed ta wark.
Bu' I doe care coz arm just mey
Us lot as commun as muck but wey still ave dignitay.

Yow baymo-an the way that I spake
When I tell you an oss's an oss
And a stripy one's a Stripy un that wheres no sox
Yow just dow understand me flake.

Paple neva undastand a fing tha i say
Bu me lingo is closa to tha Shakespearean Englesh way:
Way mayk stuff up n confuze thoze that doe no
Jus wot the el wayer tryin to get accros or sho!

An Dow aven get me startid on call-in may a brummay
As sure as a baps sertenlay a cob there the wons wiv monay.
So forgiv may pour educashun, lack ov wealth and spellin
Now, I did nok on yower doer.

Dow ya wanna no what arm sellin?

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I love Quidco