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I love Quidco

Tuesday 12 February 2013


I aye stupid and I aye fick
Arm sick on bein' told are'll never mount to shit.
The egducashun ere as med me fale a prick
And arm so broke even a builda cor fix me wiv a brick.

I ate the way tha coz ov ow I tork
Paple same ta fink I shouldn b allowed ta wark.
Bu' I doe care coz arm just mey
Us lot as commun as muck but wey still ave dignitay.

Yow baymo-an the way that I spake
When I tell you an oss's an oss
And a stripy one's a Stripy un that wheres no sox
Yow just dow understand me flake.

Paple neva undastand a fing tha i say
Bu me lingo is closa to tha Shakespearean Englesh way:
Way mayk stuff up n confuze thoze that doe no
Jus wot the el wayer tryin to get accros or sho!

An Dow aven get me startid on call-in may a brummay
As sure as a baps sertenlay a cob there the wons wiv monay.
So forgiv may pour educashun, lack ov wealth and spellin
Now, I did nok on yower doer.

Dow ya wanna no what arm sellin?

Saturday 9 February 2013


Ok so here goes. This is not a lackluster poem, song, sonnet, description or feelings of apathy... This is honestly my feelings towards the UK government. It will take some time to write, and I may add to it as I please. The last few months have been far from secure or rational to say the least.

Right - So first thing's first. I'm a job seeker. I was sanctioned on the 14th December due to not being able to provide "adequate proof" as to my job search. This resulted in either a 2 or 4 week withdrawal of my benefits. I have no idea which it was due to things become so unclear in the proceeding weeks it serious does warrant some effort from someone who actually knows what they are doing.

The "adequate proof" that I had was in the form of emails and application information on my tablet / mobile phone. Job references in the form of links (dates still on the documents as to when I last edited the things I - Electronically - wrote down), and application emails from those I had applied for by that point. Some admittedly I had not applied for, as I was at my volunteer work that I had gained myself. and I didn't have the time to write everything out.

I went to the Job Centre (JCP) on the 14th and as I say was told that what I had (as I didn't have my written record) was "unacceptable". I therefore received my sanction for this. I walked out as I wasn't being paid, and I felt I was being scrutinised by the worker there. Questions were raised - "Who will you eat or pay your rent?" were two of the questions that I felt were a little lacking in compassion, considering this was the same person that imposed the sanction upon me.

A couple of days later, I stumbled upon a link on the Guardian website, stating that the Government (and Ian Duncan-Smith in particular) were trying to make Universal Job Match (Herein "UJ") mandatory for the jobseeker - thus rendering all electronic forms of job searches mandatory to the person in question and acceptable to the JCP. This sincerely baffled me - Why was it acceptable for them to bend and dictate the rules as it pleases them, so long as I was trying my best to also show what I had done in those two weeks? Why was what I was doing not the same as they wanted?

I spent days and weeks in the end trying to contact the manager. I put a complaint in (to this day I still have no response, and wonder what - If anything - is happening), I contacted JCP via the DWP line - Still baffled by the answers. I have been passed from pillar to post by JCP, DWP, my Local MP, and various charitable organisations, trying to figure out what is wrong and what is right. There is just no end to it all. The DWP, which is supposed to be there to help those in need are so enamoured in weeding out the "filth" in the country, it has forgotten who it should be helping.

By sanctioning myself, It transpired that I went 4 weeks without money from the 14th December to 11th January (Those are my signing on days - the actual days are the Wednesdays after when I receive the money). I had to rely on food banks, cash handouts and bits and pieces from family and friends just so as I could try and look after myself (whilst at the same time trying to keep myself happy over the holiday period, with past memories of uncertainty and more "forefront of my mind" problems also looming) in grooming, food and even getting to my voluntary position.

Thankfully my volunteer placement was at a housing association, and they soon realised the impact that I had thrust upon me. After a breakdown at work, they sought me help in the form of a worker that they could recommend. At this moment, he has given me the food bank vouchers and also attempted to resolve my finances. Unfortunately, it's not all that simple, as I'm still paying back people from December and this whole crock that transpired from it.

To be continued...

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Well now don't you think me oh so wrong
When I've called you all the bitches under the sun.
You seem forget that I was so torn and abused
that you went ahead and lit the fuse.

I have to admit all the mistakes I've made.
When stood opposed Toyota I was I drunken state.
But why has it took so long
For all us anew to sing this common song.
Singing oh my how long has it been
To wonder to why in-between
Should it have been like this.
Tell me how long's it been since we kissed?

So now imagine the shit I've thought
Of you back then being but a whore
Why did you make me feel like that?
You never gave he half the chance I feel but such a Prat.

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I love Quidco