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I love Quidco

Friday 6 September 2013


When I was an innocent child
I stood tall and happy.
Playing with my favourite toy.
An egg-shaped and dungaree'd,
fabric boy.
I didn't care for anything but

I'd go to the park for air
And some larks.
I was well looked after and free.
My Mom (Anne) was alone,
single; not a bone
To spend on clothes at Marks and Sparks.

The reason for this was my Old Man.
The non-payer of maintenance.
His missus denied
The cash by their side
The judge ordered a weekly

I was too young to know
All this shit, when sewn;
Would come back and haunt

Now Anne she worked hard, for
my safety to guard,
And he's fucked up the family tree.

I remember the days when we'd
Both think and hope amazed
That one time our luck would
come to us.

But it never came,
and I'm afraid to say
Our lives were shitty and rusted.
Always feeling so damn unadjusted.

But it was never her fault,
for she should be applauded;
To continue to look over me.
I know it wasn't easy;
When I used to help her work in pieces;
Her bosses were such queers.

That was the recession, Dears...


You're well off your feet,
And you should be asleep.
In time you'll drift away.

But the thoughts in your head
And the things that were said
Should in time slowly stray...

...Wake up again
and you wish for the rain.
But the World just delivers more heat.

You feel miserable inside
All damaged in pride.
The damned kids are yelling in the street.

There's more anger shown
From the family, barely unknown;
And you hope that they'll leave you alone.

But they continue to press,
And your cerebrum is stressed;
They seem no different to the rest...

So you think back...
To a time better placed in your mind...
Where everyone...
Loved you in kind...

Sunday 1 September 2013


The sun rose at 6 on this warm Septembers' morn,
I'd been up but 20 hours, and let out a slight yawn.
Lay in bed, listening to the birds for they begin to sing.
Through a torrid weekend there is -
A wonderful and vague element of beauty.

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I love Quidco